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10 Advantages of Taking Online Classes to Students and Parents

Updated: May 27, 2020

#1—IT COSTS LESS There are no commuting costs. You don't need to pay for a dorm room, boarding houses, cafeteria meals, extra allowances, etc.

#2—LESS INTENSITY No need to wake up early or to show up on class at a particular time. With online classes, you do all the work at your own pace. This means much less pressure and intensity.

#3—EASIER ATTENDANCE If you take classes online, attending is as simple as opening up your computer or tablet. No rain-soaked or prickly heat. You can learn from the comfort of your home.

#4—IMPROVE YOUR SELF-DISCIPLINE Succeeding in online classes requires self-discipline. You don't have a teacher to tell you when an assignment is due. Being lazy or undisciplined will cause you to quickly fall behind.

#5—EASIER ACCESS TO TEACHERS In an online class, you can email a teacher your questions directly. You no longer get nervous from raising your hand or standing up in front of the class.

#6—THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME There is absolutely no dress code with online classes. If you want to lie on your couch or your bed while watching a lecture, you can. If you want classical music on in the background while you chat with your classmates on the forum, you can.

#7—EASIER TO FOCUS It's not always easy to focus in class. Sometimes the person next to you smells like they need a shower. With online classes, it's much easier to focus on what you're doing. Your interactions happen online, meaning they won't easily wander off-topic. And you can choose to study at a time when you're freshest.

#8—LEARNING TECH SKILLS Online classes will let you outside of your comfort zone. You will have to learn to navigate the course lectures, download materials, interact with others online and communicate well digitally. In the information age, these are essential skills and will allow you to keep pace with others.

#9—YOU CAN KEEP YOUR JOB OR GET A JOB Because you don't have to attend class at a specific time, you can keep or get a job and study during your free time. You can also use weekends to get additional work done that you didn't have time for during the week.

10#—SAFETY! SAFETY! SAFETY! Students are at home with their parents. Parents can closely monitor their student's activities. Parents need not worry the whereabouts of their children and who they are with!

CONCLUSION: Online classes may not be for everybody. But online classes offer some really unique benefits. Whether you want to study from the comfort of your bedroom or increase your computer skills, online classes are a fantastic option.

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